Today (March 21st) has been dedicated as World Down’s Syndrome day by the United Nations. Nearly half of all children born with Down’s Syndrome will have a heart defect as well. The Novick Cardiac Alliance is committed to bringing sustainable health care solutions to all children with cardiac disease in the developing world.

“Persons with disabilities, including those with Down syndrome, are more than persons in need of assistance; they are agents of change who can drive progress across society – and their voices must be heard as we strive to reach the Sustainable Development Goals.”
Ban Ki-moon Secretary-General of the United Nations
Cardiac Alliance operate on children with Down’s Syndrome in 11 countries around the world this is about 12% of all the children that we operate on every year. This is not enough! We need to reach more children and we need your help to do it. Children with Down’s Syndrome are more than a collection of symptoms or a disease and like the rest of the population they learn at school, have interests, hobbies, talents, friends and relationships. Down’s Syndrome occurs in all races, religions and economic situations but when a child with Down’s Syndrome cannot get the Cardiac care they need their world becomes smaller and restricted- they cannot play or go to school or make friends – they are also much more likely to die in childhood. We are celebrating Down’s Syndrome day by renewing our commitment to meeting the needs of this unique and valuable group of children. Join us in our celebration Donate financially today or volunteer with us and help us reach more children like these!