Dear Friend,
February is Heart Awareness Month and February 7th through Valentine’s Day is Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Week.
The birth of a new baby is a joyous and challenging event and so is the birth of a new organization to help children with heart defects. We are asking for your help so we can help children around the world with heart disease. The ability to provide life-saving cardiac surgery to the children of developing countries, in their own country, is priceless. The stress of major heart surgery on the child and the family is greatly reduced when they are surrounded by those who can support them, speak their language, and practice their customs.

While helpful to the child and family, providing surgery locally also gives us the opportunity to educate the local health care professionals in the care of their own children.
Our intention with this appeal to you is to operate on an additional 25 children between the beginning of March and end of May. The average cost of providing life-saving surgery to each child is $2,000 and so we would like to raise a total of $ 50,000 this month. Any size donation will help us to purchase the medications, supplies and airline tickets needed to have our team give a child a future. We hope you will join our team and help us give these desperate children a chance for a bright future, without this chance they don’t have one.

Visit our donation page to make your valuable donation of any amount. See our story and where we are helping in the world.
Sincerely Yours,
Dr. William Novick