Help Us Share Their Stories: Fund 'Tiny Hearts' Documentary Launch

Global Cardiac Alliance is seeking your support to cover our remaining final expenses which include the final round of mixing for the songs used in the film, festival registration, and travel expenses.

Our goal is to raise $35,000 to address these needs.

Introducing Global Cardiac Alliance

Medical Volunteer – Jo Dyer

My first trip was to China in 2004.  I was looking for a new challenge and for an opportunity to travel to some interesting destinations.  And, obviously, I was keen to share my knowledge and skills with those in developing countries.

I applied to work with Dr. Novick because of the ethos of the charity. The strong focus on education and sustainability, and the drive to move towards independence for the medical teams that they work with, appealed to me.

What I didn’t anticipate was just how much I would gain from volunteering, how much I would develop as a clinician as a result of working with the local nurses.  I’m pretty sure I’ve gained more than I’ve given!

This is the most challenging work I have done but it has huge rewards.  Seeing the dedication of the local teams and their enthusiasm to learn and develop makes you want to make repeat trips. It’s not all work though and I’ve made some great friends and had a lot of fun too.