Help Us Share Their Stories: Fund 'Tiny Hearts' Documentary Launch

Global Cardiac Alliance is seeking your support to cover our remaining final expenses which include the final round of mixing for the songs used in the film, festival registration, and travel expenses.

Our goal is to raise $35,000 to address these needs.

Introducing Global Cardiac Alliance

NCA’s Dr. William Novick Featured On CBS The Doctors

NCA’s Founder & CEO, Dr. William Novick was recently featured on the CBS Emmy-winning daytime talk show The Doctors. Dr. Novick shares his thoughts and experiences saving children’s lives born with heart disease in Libya and other developing countries around the world. Please consider making a donation to Novick Cardiac Alliance and help us advance our 2020 international programs.

A humanitarian emergency is gathering. Almost 2 million Libyans have serious unmet health needs and more than 1 million are at risk of food insecurity.”
Libya’s health crisis looks set to worsen by Talha Burki
The Lancet, April 2016

Watch the episode above or on Vimeo.