Amid the crisis in Ukraine, our team continues to save little hearts.
Meet Liza Yaroshenco. She is a lucky 3-month-old baby girl who is from Kharkiv, Ukraine.
When Liza was 6 weeks old, a doctor told her mother, Tonya, that Liza had a heart murmur. This doctor said the murmur would go away by the time Liza was 3 years old, but her mother knew something wasn’t right and began the search for a new doctor for a second opinion.
Because of her mother’s dedication, Liza found herself at the Kharkiv Center for Cardiac Surgery. Here she had a Catheterization procedure by Dr. Igor Polivenok and was told her baby desperately needed heart surgery to survive.
Tonya took Liza home to wait for the Cardiac Alliance team to arrive in February. On February 4th, Liza received heart surgery performed by Kharkiv pediatric cardiac surgeon Dr. Olga Buchneva, alongside Cardiac Alliance surgeon Dr. Marcelo Cardarelli.
Thanks to this collaboration and her mother’s love, Liza is now home with a happy heart.

At Novick Cardiac Alliance we want to be able to care for more children like baby Liza and to make sure that all mothers know that no matter where they live their children can get the specialist care they need to live a happy and healthy life.
Help us to make this possible by Donating today or Volunteer your time and expertise to look after these children the way they deserve.