Introducing Global Cardiac Alliance


Novick Cardiac Alliance Featured on ShareAmerica

Cardiac Alliance has been featured on ShareAmerica, a platform produced by the US Department of State. Our story has been shared to all the US Embassies worldwide. This particular story can be translated into seven different languages. Read the article on ShareAmerica to learn more about our life-saving work in war-torn areas.

Cardiac Alliance’s Collaboration In War-Torn Benghazi Brings Sustainable Healthcare To Children

Reuters journalist Ayman al-Warfalli recently interviewed our team in Libya, where there are “more than 300 kids waiting for open heart surgery, maybe 400.” Cardiac Alliance strives to maintain our collaboration with the hospital in Benghazi to care for these children in need. Read the Reuters article to learn about the desperate need for sustainable healthcare in …

Cardiac Alliance’s Collaboration In War-Torn Benghazi Brings Sustainable Healthcare To Children Read More »

BBC World Service Interview

BBC World Service interviewed Dr. Novick regarding the world the Novick Cardiac Alliance is doing in Libya.