This is Munam.
This lucky little guy just became the first open heart surgery recipient in the history of his city!
Having no access to treatment and very little money, Munam’s mother and father spent their savings renting cars and buying expensive Egyptian visas to travel back and forth across the border seeking care for their son. Despite the endless border-hopping, in the end Munam’s parents simply couldn’t afford the cost of surgery in Egypt.

They had nearly given up hope when they heard about a ‘foreign team’ of heart specialists who were coming to do operations in their own city! Munam’s parents could hardly believe it, but they began to hope again.
Novick Cardiac Alliance arrived and, after assessing Munam, decided that Munam could have his operation and that he would be the very first operation! It was a complete success, and four days later he was ready to go home.

Shortly after Dr. Novick and the team provided Munam with surgery, his mother told us, “My life was only night, but you brought the morning. Thank you!
Are you ready to ‘bring the morning’ for more moms like Munam’s? Your donation helps us continue our lifesaving work around the world. Click here to give now.