Help Us Share Their Stories: Fund 'Tiny Hearts' Documentary Launch

Global Cardiac Alliance is seeking your support to cover our remaining final expenses which include the final round of mixing for the songs used in the film, festival registration, and travel expenses.

Our goal is to raise $35,000 to address these needs.

Introducing Global Cardiac Alliance


Sasha’s Dream

We would like you to meet Aleksandra or ‘Sasha’ as she is known to her friends. Sasha is 14 years old and was born with heart disease and for 14 years that has been the most important fact in her life. Because Sasha was born in Russia she did not receive the treatment she needed …

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Mila is Ready to Run!

Only 2 weeks after her first birthday – baby Mila has already had 2 open heart operations. Mila is a 1 year baby old girl from a small town 60km south east of Skopje. She lives with her mother, father, her brother Luka and her grandparents. The family first knew that Mila had a heart defect …

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Meet ‘Inoperable Marwa’

As an infant, they heard a heart murmur. But, after being examined at a local Libyan hospital, they cleared Marwa, saying she was perfectly healthy. But Marwa’s mother was never convinced. With the eyes of a mother, she noticed how breathless Marwa became after short walks, how she turned blue when exercising. The family went …

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A Video Update From Dr. Novick In Libya

Dr. Novick and the team are in Libya this week for a first-ever cardiac training mission in the city of Tobruk! Click play above to watch, and check out our Facebook page to see more updates from around the world, or click here to make a donation!

Patient Story – Valeria

This is Valeria and she is a lucky baby! During the second week of the Novick Cardiac Alliance trip to Nizhny Dr Novick was asked to see this 14-month-old girl who they thought had congenital mitral regurgitation. This is a very bad diagnosis for such a young baby and would mean several surgeries throughout her …

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Patient Story – Denis

This is baby Denis, he was born in Sechenoro on October 23rd his mother thought he was healthy until he was 1 month old when he started having trouble feeding. On November 25th Denis’ mother Svetlana called the doctor and there began a rollercoaster ride for the family. Denis was transferred to Nizhny, about 200km …

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Patient Story – Alena

Alena is a 10-month-old baby who has Downs Syndrome, she was born in Dzerzhinsk and until she was 1 month old her mother did not know she had a heart problem. In April of this year Alena had her first heart operation, which helped her to gain weight and prevent damage to her lungs. Last …

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